Industrial Washing Machine Paros 100-120kg

Industrial Washing Machine Paros large size 100-120Kg is a premium washer equipment  imported from Korea and widely used in restaurants, hotels, factories, ...

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Industrial Washing Machine Paros 100-120kg

Industrial Washing Machine Paros size large 100-120Kg is one of the new product line, advanced with many outstanding features :

Chi tiết máy giặt công nghiệp Paros

Equipment is applied cage hanging system, damper, anti-vibration, extremely quiet operation, solid body structure, and can be installed on the high floor.

- Handling  quickly a large number of cloth with capacity of up to 120kg/batch and speed extractor up to 680 cycles / minute.

>>> See more : the advantages of industrial washing machine Paros

Technical Specifications of Industrial washing machine Paros capacity 120kg / batch

Model: HSCW - (S/E)100


Manufacturing and Assemblle in: Korea

Capacity: 100 kg / batch dry cloth

Cage diameter (mm): Ø 1350

Cage depth (mm): 700

Washing speed (revolutions / minute): 25 ~ 40

Extractor speed (rev / min): 400 ~ 680

Pump capacity (ℓ): 1001

Motor capacity (HP / Kw): 30/22

Inverter (HP / Kw): 30/22

Water pressure / hot water / pipes / Steam (A): 40/40/100/32

Size: 2000/1750/2100 mm

Power supply: 3P 380V3w 50 / 60Hz

Electrical Power consumption (kW / h): 40

Weight: 3530 kg

Centrifugal force (G): 350

Imported from Korea

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